Sunday, December 30, 2012

KP 2: At the Summit!

“We had to survive in the wild!”
 That was the first thought which came to my mind was when we finally managed to reach the Kumara Parvata after a tough climb.We were completely drained out. The Pushpagiri peak is completely barren save a few stretches with bushes. On the peak is a primitively built stone temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.
We scouted for a clearing sheltered by bushes to camp, to put up our tents, rest our aching limbs and wait for our fellow trekkers. They arrived one by one tired, relieved and exhilarated at the same time on having finally reached the summit.

By then all of us were so hungry that we could have eaten the raw vegetation around us… Thankfully, we had carried enough food with us.  We gorged on chapatis with chatnipudi, ghee, ketchup and HaldiramNamkeens!! It was one of the tastiest meals I ever had! After this simple but filling lunch, a few guys went around to search for and gather firewood for the night.

Gathering firewood is also an art… Not all wood is fit for burning. Some logs have too high moisture content to be fit for burning and some others burn out in no time. Thankfully, we had enough experienced people to tell us the what and how of this life in the wilderness!

After the firewood, it was time to refill our empty waterbottles. At the start of the ascend, each one of us had at least 2 liters of water… However, then, at the summit after lunch we had exactly 3 one litre bottles left for an army of 19 trekkers! An hour was still left for the sun to end its journey on our side of the planet. The source of potable water was a kilometre away from where we were camping. On went 7 of us armed with as many water bottles as we can carry. We had carried around 10-12 one litre bottles and 3 two litre bottles.

After a short trek we reached a rocky barren slope where water was trickling in a few centimeter wide streams. Judging by the speed of the water flow, we could have easily taken 5 days to fill 15 litres of water! A couple of trekkers were actually filling water from the same stream! We were perplexed. Water was a necessity. We needed it for the entire night and for the next day too. It was then that we came to know that the water formed a small pond a couple of feet across, at the foot of the slope on top of which we were then standing…

Thus began the real struggle to acquire the “elixir of life”. One of us went sliding down the steep rocky slope. We all threw our water bottles to him… And then we enjoyed a natural slide to the base of the slope! That time we were not thinking of coming back up… All we wanted was water…and getting it was no mean feat! We descended for another 5 minutes and finally came across a pond, which held potable water. It was then that I experienced the amazing feeling of spotting water amidst the forests and barren land, to quench our parched throats and soak our dirty aching limbs into the cool liquid!

We had slid down a rocky and very steep incline to fill water… Now we had to go back again! Coming down was a cakewalk. We did not have any water and it was a descent after all! But we had to go up again…!

So there we were 7 people lying flat over the slope in a chain that reached from the base of the slope to the top, as we passed the water bottles upwards! Talking of Teamwork! We actually enjoyed the game of passing water bottles over to each other along the difficult incline… The effort truly opened our eyes to the value of water… For a few seconds, I thought of those unfortunate souls in the world that had to travel miles to bring home a pot of water and shuddered!

Now we had enough water, food, firewood and shelter and we were prepared to get a taste of a night at the top of a mountain, under the open sky!
…To be continued.

At the top of the mountain

From the top of KP
Setting up the tent
(Photographs courtesy Anindya Das)

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